layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> </span> </div> --- name: title class: left, middle ### Lake Okeechobee System Operating Manual .pull-left[ #### Preferred Alternative - LOSOM Listening Session *Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation* *Conservancy of Southwest Florida* **DRAFT** - January 24, 2022 ] <!-- this ends up being the title slide since seal = FALSE--> .pull-right[ <img src="./Plots/SCCF Logo knockout_c.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <img src="./Plots/ConSWFL.jpeg" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .footnote[ Paul Julian PhD<br>[
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] --- name: intro -- ### The Good * Estuaries: ⇧ optimal flow & ⇩ stress and damaging flow * Everglades: ⇧ flow south (via S351 & S354) -- ### The Bad * Estuaries: ⇧ extreme flow events * Lake Okeechobee: ⇧ high stage (17 & 16 Ft NGVD metrics) * Lake Okeechobee: ⇧ in stage envelope scores (+36% difference to FWO) -- ### The Ugly * Proposed 1.5 Ft WSM buffer --- name: SalEnv1 ### Salinity Envelope <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/RECOVER_SalEnv_.png" alt="RECOVER salinity envelope evaluation during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries." width="95%" /> <p class="caption">RECOVER salinity envelope evaluation during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries.</p> </div> .small[[FWO Comparison](#SalEnv2)] --- name: SalEnv3 ### Salinity Envelope - Extreme <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/RECOVER_SalEnv_extreme.png" alt="RECOVER salinity envelope - Extreme flow category evaluation relative to each respective FWO/No Action Alterantives during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries." width="90%" /> <p class="caption">RECOVER salinity envelope - Extreme flow category evaluation relative to each respective FWO/No Action Alterantives during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries.</p> </div> --- name: extreme ### CRE - Extreme <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/CRE_highQ_events.png" alt="Total (left) and Lake derived (right) extreme discharge events and duration for the Caloosahatchee River Estuary." width="90%" /> <p class="caption">Total (left) and Lake derived (right) extreme discharge events and duration for the Caloosahatchee River Estuary.</p> </div> [SLE Extreme Event & Duration](#extreme2) --- class: extreme ### Extreme event - Recommendation * While reduced LOK derived stressful and damaging flow events is good minimizing LOK derived extreme events for CRE is recommended. -- * Extreme events (regardless of source) can adversely impact estuary and near shore environment. * nutrient transport, high color, prolonged freshwater conditions in estuary, etc. -- * Large discharges can alter circulation patterns in lower estuary such that Gulf water is drawn into estuary through barrier islands' main inlets which can draw in and concentration *K. brevis* (if present) from Gulf rather than flush it out (Dye et al 2020 & Olabarrieta et al *In Prep*). .footnote[ .small[ Dye, B., Jose, F., Allahdadi, M.N., 2020. Circulation Dynamics and Seasonal Variability for the Charlotte Harbor Estuary, Southwest Florida Coast. Journal of Coastal Research 36, 276–288. [link]( ] ] --- name: LOK ### Lake Okeechobee <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/LOK_stg.png" alt="Percent of time LOK stage above 17 Ft, 16 Ft and below 10 Ft NGVD29 during the period of simulation." width="75%" /> <p class="caption">Percent of time LOK stage above 17 Ft, 16 Ft and below 10 Ft NGVD29 during the period of simulation.</p> </div> --- name: LOK2 ### Lake Okeechobee - Stage Envelope <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/LOK_EnvScore_AllYrs.png" alt="LOK ecological stage envelope total scores (all years)." width="80%" /> <p class="caption">LOK ecological stage envelope total scores (all years).</p> </div> .center[ .small[ +36% Diff to FWO Total Penalty; +115% Diff to FWO Upper Penalty; -22% Diff to FWO Lower Penalty ] ] --- name: LOK3 ### Lake Okeechobee - High Stage Events <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/LOK_highstg_events.png" alt="Extreme high (left) and moderate high (right) stage events and duration for Lake Okeechobee." width="100%" /> <p class="caption">Extreme high (left) and moderate high (right) stage events and duration for Lake Okeechobee.</p> </div> --- name: LakeEval ### Application of Hydrologic Restoration Goals for a Large Subtropical Lake *(In Prep.)* .pull-left[ Based on methodology of Havens (2002). Lake stage is a major driver in Lake ecology (see Conceptual Ecological Model). .small[ * Extreme high lake stage (>5.2 m/17 Ft NGVD29) * Moderate high lake stage (>4.9 m/16 Ft NGVD29) > 90 days * Moderate low lake stage (<3.3 m/11 Ft NGVD29) > 90 days * Extreme low lake stage (<3.0 m/10 Ft NGVD29) * Spring/SNKI nest period recession * March 1 - June 15 * weekly recession rate between -0.05 and 0.05 Ft/wk (0.02 m/wk) for more than 1/4th of nesting period. * Events per decade ] ] -- .pull-right[ .red[**Preliminary results:**] <template id="62c06552-bb09-4b75-94df-f312e9425830"><style> .tabwid table{ border-collapse:collapse; line-height:1; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; border-width: 0; display: table; margin-top: 1.275em; margin-bottom: 1.275em; border-spacing: 0; border-color: transparent; } .tabwid_left table{ margin-left:0; } .tabwid_right table{ margin-right:0; } .tabwid td { padding: 0; } .tabwid a { text-decoration: none; } .tabwid thead { background-color: transparent; } .tabwid tfoot { background-color: transparent; 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Lake and Reservoir Management 18:285–292. doi: [10.1080/07438140209353934]( ] --- name: WSM ### Low lake stage management * Last PDT meeting SFWMD stated .content-box-gray[the state *“is asking for explicit reliance on the District to guide operational decisions when Lake stages are at or below 1.5 feet above the Water Shortage Management Band.”*] -- .pull-left[ <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/LOSOM.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/LOSOM_buff.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- name: WSM2 ### Low lake stage management * The WSM buffer would effectively create a new management band in the schedule. -- * This new concept is not included in the current modeling. -- * Represents up to 520 - 591 kAc-Ft of water that could be moved around (or withheld from the estuaries and Everglades). * based on [stage-volume relationship](#stage_vol). * *Zone D3 to S79<sup>1</sup> (≤ 350 cfs)* a small fraction of total available volume in buffer .small[([How it was modeled](#LOSOMProcess))]. .footnote[ .small[ <sup>1</sup> Release LOK water at S77 such that the LOK will not cause S79 flow to exceed this target; local runoff can still cause flow higher than this value at S79. ] ] -- * In current modeling, Lake stage is within the proposed WSM buffer ~22% of time for both preferred alternatives (during period of simulation) * Conversely, Lake stage is within Zone D3 ~ 29% of the time for both preferred alternatives (during period of simulation). -- * Joint letter on behalf of Friends of the Everglades, Calusa Waterkeeper, Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation, Florida Oceanographic and Conservancy of Southwest Florida sent to Col. Booth ([link]( letter Jan 21 2022_FINAL.pdf) to letter). --- class: inverse --- name: SalEnv2 ### Salinity Envelope <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/RECOVER_SalEnv_FWO.png" alt="RECOVER salinity envelope evaluation relative to each respective FWO/No Action Alterantives during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries." width="100%" /> <p class="caption">RECOVER salinity envelope evaluation relative to each respective FWO/No Action Alterantives during the simulation period of record for Caloosahatchee (top) and St Lucie (bottom) estuaries.</p> </div> --- name: extreme2 ### SLE - Extreme <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/Iteration3_Final/SLE_highQ_events.png" alt="Total (left) and Lake derived (right) extreme discharge events and duration for the St Lucie Estuary." width="90%" /> <p class="caption">Total (left) and Lake derived (right) extreme discharge events and duration for the St Lucie Estuary.</p> </div> --- name: stage_vol ### LOK - Stage - Volume Relationship <div class="figure" style="text-align: center"> <img src="./Plots/LOK_vol_area.png" alt="Lake Okeechobee Stage-Volume-Area relationship based on 50 Ft Bathymetry." width="80%" /> <p class="caption">Lake Okeechobee Stage-Volume-Area relationship based on 50 Ft Bathymetry.</p> </div> --- name: LOSOMProcess ### How it (TSP) was modeled... <img src="./Plots/process/TSP_modelled.png" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> .small[ *From USACE PDT 12 Jan 2022 meeting presentation* ]